Monday June 10 was California Small Business Day, where State Senators and Assemblymen have the opportunity to honor a small business within their district. Colonial Home Care was the proud recipient of this very prestigious award for the 37th Senate District, represented by Mimi Walters. I traveled to Sacramento to attend the ceremony and receive the award on behalf of Colonial. The event was attended by over 300 people, with speakers including Senate Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, Assembly Speaker John Perez, and Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom.
Senator Walters selected Colonial Home Care for outstanding leadership and advocacy on behalf of the senior community. Senator Walters had the opportunity last year to accompany me into the homes of a few clients and observe the services we provide first hand, and to gain a greater understanding of the challenges facing our seniors who wish to remain in their homes. We are honored to have been selected by Senator Walters for this recognition.
After the presentation, I spent some time at the Capitol, where I had an opportunity to visit the Senate floor with Senator Walters and Senator Lou Correa (also pictured), who also represents parts of the city of Orange. Thank you Senator Walters, and thank you to the California Small Business Association for sponsoring the ceremony.