Imagine this situation: your mom or dad just had a stroke. Now, what should you do?
Hi, my name is Catherina Bertaina, founder and owner of Colonial Home Care for the last 31 years. In this blog post, we’re going to talk about how to transition from the hospital to home care after a stroke.
One common problem to be aware of is the lack of preparation, like if you don’t have a hospital bed if you need one. That’s one important matter you need to be concerned about – a loose end you need to tie up.
Common Factors to Address When Transitioning from Hospital to Home After A Stroke
It’s a good idea to think about the following things before discharging the patients and transition them from hospital to home care.
- Decorations
It would be helpful if there is something special waiting for them. Decorations such as a banner that says, “We missed you, Grandma” or “Welcome home, Grandma” can bring happiness to grandparents. Other decorations that you can prepare are balloons or cupcakes, if it’s ok with their diet. What;s important is how these decorations and thoughts along with them can make an impact and happiness to them. Simple things can indeed make a difference.
I remember after being in the hospital for four days. I got home and my two sons and my daughter had made all these amazing decorations that were flowers on the table. It was really special and made me feel so alive again. And it just sparked my spirit. You should consider something like that, too.
- Equipment
Another factor to consider is equipment. Those can range from a hospital bed, a shower bench, choir lift, gate belts, and others. Basically, these are the things that are going to make mom or dad’s life more comfortable. These equipment play an integral role for their progress, thus, you need to have the best equipment set up before discharge.
Other things you might not forget are pen and paper. There are times when patients are being discharged and speech is still a problem. In some instances, it’s still difficult for them to communicate or speak loud enough. With pen and paper, they can write down basic needs and it’s less frustrating for them.
Also take into consideration to have a bedside commode, a bedpan, or a urinal. These items may depend on what the doctor wants, but better to prepare them before your mom or dad gets home.
- Bills
Don’t forget about bills. Make sure to pay them if they are due while your loved one is in the hospital. These can include gas, electricity, telephone bills, pickup, and other cyclical bills that they may have during that time. It will be a relief for them to have them settled before they are discharged.
- Housekeeping
Another important factor to consider is housekeeping. Make sure that someone goes into the home, takes out the trash, and the pathway is swept so no one trips or falls. Check and clean your refrigerator. Also, make sure that you have clean sheets on the bed.
- Lifestyle Changes
Number five is lifestyle changes. It’s an important issue in the path to recovery. You want to make certain that your mom or dad or grandparents are going to be eating healthy – clean food, simple food. Opt for not too much salt, not too many carbs, and not too much sugar. And also, make sure they can get a little exercise, if possible. It can include a walk around the block, or some movements as advised by their physician. It’ll lift their spirits, too.
One helpful tip is when you’re cleaning out the fridge, make sure you take out any unhealthy food and replace it with nice fruits and vegetables, and other items that are nutritious. They are great to the recovery of your loved ones.
- Get Supportive Help
Last but not the least, get supportive help. You want to make sure that if your loved one needs it, professional people are available. They can be physical therapists or visiting nurses from home health. There’s always a wonderful option of home care, which is what we do.
How Colonial Care Services Can Help
If you need home care services for your loved ones, we are here to help. We can be there 24/7 to provide personal care, do a little light housekeeping, and make sure that mom or dad is well cared for.
We can do home care the whole day because you never know when a stroke is going to hit again. Our caregivers are trained to spot the symptoms of a stroke. Thus, it brings a certain amount of comfort to our clients’ families because they can rely on someone who’s watching over your loved ones. Furthermore, they can report anytime there is something unusual.
If you’d like to learn more about how we can help, you can go to our website at or call our number at 1800-497-1287.