brain health

What You Need to Know About Long-Term Insurance

Everyone needs a care insurance coverage. This is important to even for those who are in perfect health and think might need the services of assisted healthcare. Having long-term insurance health care guarantees you care services without having to stress about the financial expenses. Life insurance is not the same as care insurance. Long-term healthcare [...]

3 Tips for Positive Aging in 2018

Each year we make yearly resolutions and a common one that always pops up is having a healthier lifestyle. It’s very common for people to focus on healthy eating habits and exercise. Well, this should not come as a surprise with the increasing number of people suffering from terminal illnesses. What if in 2018, your [...]

3 Ways to Improve Your Memory

As our loved ones age, there are strategies they can implement to nurture a stronger memory. Lifestyle and daily habits have a huge impact on brain health and cognitive well-being as well as memory. A lack of sleep, poor diet, stress, lack of exercise can all hinder the functioning of a healthy brain. Nutrition & [...]

Help Boost Your Loved One’s Brain Health with These 7 Tips

An estimated sixteen million Americans are living with some form of cognitive impairment, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The number of people age sixty-five and older projected to have Alzheimer’s in 2050 is expected to swell from the current five million to thirteen million. Implementing the strategies below can help your [...]

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